Post events from backend

Looking for frontendevents tracking?

Events tracking from the backend

Sometimes it’s necessary to track user events from your backend. For instance, You could track events that occur in background processes.

When your application does not use JavaScript; in that case, the JavaScript client will not work. You will need to send events via your backend code.

HTTP POST request

Make an HTTP POST request with the following:


Content-Type: application/json


  "app_id": "YOUR-APPLICATION-ID",
  "tracking": {
    "type": "event",
    "identity": "user-id",
    "event": "Subscription renewed",
    "feature": "Billing"

type: Needs to be "event" or "page".

event: can reference a specific interaction in your application.

feature: refers to the feature itself.


curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -X POST \
  -d '{"app_id": "1234", "tracking": { \
    "type": "event", \
    "identity": "", \
    "event": "Monthly report generated", \
    "feature": "Reporting" \
  }}' \
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